Brooklyn was declared champion after finishing in first place for both halves of the season

1st Half

1924 Brooklyn Visitations LogoBkn. Visitations   137.650-
1924 Kingston Shirtmakers LogoKingston 128.6001.0
1924 Trenton Royal Bengals LogoTrenton 119.5502.0
1924 Paterson Legionnaires LogoPaterson 1010.5003.0
1924 Greenpoint Knights LogoGreenpoint 713.3506.0
1924 Yonkers Leaguers LogoYonkers 713.3506.0

2nd Half

1924 Brooklyn Visitations LogoBkn. Visitations 137.650-
1924 Paterson Legionnaires LogoPaterson 128.6001.0
1924 Trenton Royal Bengals LogoTrenton 1010.5003.0
1924 Kingston Shirtmakers LogoKingston 911.4504.0
1924 Greenpoint Knights LogoGreenpoint 911.4504.0
1924 Yonkers Leaguers LogoYonkers 713.3506.0