The Tri-Mountain have had several different logo designs during the franchise's 3 year history.

The Tri-Mountain Club of Boston in the NABBP were one of the earliest known baseball teams. Based in Boston, their earliest known game was played in 1857. Another club has recently organized in Boston, under the title of the Mountain [Tri-Mountain, actually – Boston had three prominent city hills then] Base Ball Club. They have decided upon playing the game the same as played in New York, viz.: to pitch instead of throwing the ball, also to place the men on the bases, and not throw the ball at a man while running, but to touch him with it when he arrives at the base. If a ball is struck [next word, perhaps "beyond," is blacked out: "outside" is written in margin] the first and third base, it is to be considered foul, and the batsman is to strike again. This mode of playing, it is considered, will become more popular than the one now in vogue, in a short time. Mr. F. Guild, the treasurer of the above named club, is now in New York, and has put himself under the instructions of the gentlemen of the Knickerbocker.
The Tri-Mountain have had several different logo designs during the franchise's 3 year history.