Mae Desales Mallon Nugent was a significant figure in the history of the Philadelphia Phillies, particularly during the challenging era of the 1930s and early 1940s. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Mae married Gerald “Gerry” Nugent, a leather salesman turned baseball executive. Together, they became deeply involved with the Phillies, especially after inheriting shares from William Baker, the team's previous owner. Mae Nugent's role was more than just supportive; she was an active participant in the management of the team.

Mae and Gerry Nugent made history by becoming the only husband-and-wife duo to serve as president and vice president of a major league franchise. Despite the team's struggles on the field, Mae was a key adviser to her husband, who made most of the baseball and financial decisions. Her influence and partnership with Gerry were crucial during their tenure, even as the Phillies faced financial difficulties and poor performance. They operated the team with a small staff, underscoring their hands-on approach and dedication.

Under the Nugents' leadership, the Phillies made several notable moves, including the acquisition of Charles "Chuck" Klein, who became one of the greatest hitters in National League history. While the team continued to struggle, Mae's involvement in the Phillies' operations highlighted her as a pioneering figure in a male-dominated sport, showcasing her commitment and passion for baseball.
