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Braves Field Leaders (Eddie Mathews / Herm Starrette / Connie Ryan / Jim Busby / Ken Silvestri)

Braves Field Leaders (Eddie Mathews / Lew Burdette / Jim Busby / Roy Hartsfield / Ken Silvestri)

Ed Mathews

Ed Mathews

Ed Mathews

Ed Mathews

Ed Mathews

Ed Mathews

Ed Mathews

Ed Mathews

National League 1960 Home Run Leaders (Ernie Banks / Hank Aaron / Eddie Mathews / Ken Boyer)
1961 Topps card #43 Chicago Cubs / Milwaukee Braves / St. Louis Cardinals SS Infield Hitter Batter HOF

Ed Mathews

Eddie Mathews

Ed Mathews

Fence Busters (Hank Aaron / Eddie Mathews) CPC,

Ed Mathews

Braves' Fence Busters (Del Crandall / Ed Mathews / Hank Aaron / Joe Adcock) CPC

All-Star: Eddie Mathews

Ed Mathews

Eddie Mathews

Eddie Mathews

Eddie Mathews

Eddie Mathews

Eddie Mathews

Eddie Mathews

Eddie Mathews

Eddie Mathews
Card designs and photography are copyright by their respective publishers and are shown for historical purposes in low-resolution fomat.