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1 issues
Athletic clubs of the United States and Canada have contributed in no slight degree to keep alert a community pride,...
/ Athletic clubs of the United States and Canada have contributed in no slight degree to keep alert a community pride, interest in sports, in their best forms, and have promoted a worthwhile social and business fraternalism.
These clubs, situated as they invariably are in the heart of the business center of the city they serve, soonbecometheprincipalrendezvousofatown. A member and his guests always are certain to find not only the best good-fellowship, but unsurpassed serv- ice, inviting quarters and abundant opportunities for rest and recreation.
1 issues
Report on the fund that was started during World War I to provide bats and balls for US troop recreation...
/ Report on the fund that was started during World War I to provide bats and balls for US troop recreation