Philadelphia Phillies 1939 Team Profile Vintage Print Advertisement

The 1939 Philadelphia Phillies Team Profile provides an overview of the team's leadership and key players. Gerald P. Nugent serves as the club president, with Thompson Prothro as the manager. M. M. Nugent occupies the roles of vice-president and treasurer, while Robert F. Irwin, Jr. is the secretary, and James J. Hagan is the traveling secretary. The profile highlights several notable players: Ray Martin, the club's leading outfielder, who boasted a .298 batting average; Claude Passeau, a pitcher considered vital for the team's prospects, who won more games than any other pitcher despite inconsistencies; Tom Scharein, the shortstop, whose defensive skills are emphasized along with his offensive potential; and Hugh Mulcahy, another pitcher who performed commendably, compiling a solid fielding average.