Vintage Team Profile: Mel Ott and Carl Hubbell of New York Giants

The page from the 1939 "Who's Who in the Major Leagues" sports publication features Mel Ott, prominent player for the New York Giants, highlighting his significant achievements in Major League Baseball. Ott, known for his power-hitting capabilities, won or shared the National League home run championship multiple times, establishing himself as a formidable presence at the plate. Up to the end of the previous season (1938), he had recorded a total of 342 home runs, marking a remarkable milestone in his career. The text notes that in 1932, he became the senior leader in home runs for the New York Giants, a position he maintained for two years. Furthermore, it emphasizes his consistency and contribution to the team's performance in terms of run production, pointing out that he scored more runs than any other player in the league for the previous year. His batting average of .311 over 150 games further underlines his prowess as a regular competitor on the field. His ongoing dedication to the game is also attributed to his connection with John McGraw, an influential figure and sponsor in his career.