New York Giants 1939 Team Profile Featuring Carl Hubbell and Mel Ott

The 1939 page on the New York Giants was part of the "Who's Who in the Major Leagues" sports publication and provides a profile of key figures associated with the team during that season. Horace C. Stoneham served as the president, while William H. Terry held the position of manager. Leo J. Bondy was the vice-president and treasurer, with Edward T. Brannick acting as secretary. The pitchers highlighted include Carl Hubbell, noted for his exceptional skill and having been a significant presence in the major leagues. Additionally, Harry Danning, the team's catcher, was mentioned for his performance, having achieved notable statistics during the previous season. Joe Moore was listed as an outfielder, recognized for his strong batting skills. Hal Schumacher was another pitcher featured, regarded for his contributions last season and his adaptability as a starting pitcher.