Philadelphia Athletics Roster and Player Highlights from 1939 Season

The Philadelphia Athletics' team profile from the 1939 "Who's Who in the Major Leagues" highlights several key players on the roster. George Caster served as the primary pitcher, recognized for his workload and ability to start games, achieving 16 wins and contributing significantly to the team's pitching performance. Earle Brucker, the catcher, had a notable American League batting average and was expected to play a crucial role in the lineup. Sam Chapman, an outfielder, had a promising start to the previous season, showing potential in runs scored and batting averages. Buck Ross, another pitcher, showed improvement despite battling control issues, while Dario Lodigiani and Bud Thomas also contributed as infielders and pitchers, respectively. Stanley Sperry was noted for his batting performance over the previous season and was positioned as an infielder.