1935 New York Giants Team Photo Featuring Mel Ott and Bill Terry

The page from the 1936 Who's Who in the Major Leagues highlights key members of the 1935 New York Giants baseball team, a franchise in the National League. Featured prominently are star players Mel Ott and Bill Terry. Mel Ott, an iconic outfielder and slugger, is known for his powerful batting style. Bill Terry, the team's manager, is depicted as a significant leader, having played first base and contributed to the team's success during his career. Other players include Carl Hubbell, recognized for his pitching prowess, and outfielders like Schumacher and Fitzsimmons, who were integral to the team’s roster. The page captures the essence of the Giants during this era, showcasing their talented roster and leadership, emphasizing their position in National League baseball and their historical significance in the sport.