1935 New York Giants Executives Profile: Stoneham, Brannick, and Bondy

The page from the 1936 "Who's Who in the Major Leagues" profiles key executives of the New York Giants. It introduces Horace C. Stoneham, the youngest club owner in the majors at age 33, following the death of his father, Charles A. Stoneham. Horace had a background in education from St. Ignatius Loyola High School and Fordham University, and he initially worked in a copper mine before assuming his role with the Giants. He planned to uphold his father's policies while traveling with the team. Edward T. Brannick, the new secretary, succeeded James J. Tierney. With over three decades of service, Brannick had experience with various club presidents and was known for his rapport with the community. The page also mentions Leo J. Bondy, the Vice-President and Treasurer, who had significant ties to the Giants' operations since his youth and faced challenges with the team’s travel logistics.