1935 Boston Red Sox Executives Profile Photo and Team History

The page from the 1936 Who's Who in the Major Leagues sports publication provides profiles of the Boston Red Sox executives, highlighting three key figures: Thomas Austin Yawkey, Edward Trowbridge Collins, and Philip J. Troy. Thomas Yawkey, the President of the Red Sox, is described as having a lifelong ambition to create a championship team for Boston. Adopted by William H. Yawkey, he took control of the team while also being an avid baseball enthusiast. Born in Detroit on February 21, 1903, Yawkey has a penchant for raising Labrador retrievers alongside his business pursuits. Edward Collins serves as the Vice-President and General Manager. Recognized as a top second-baseman, Collins was born on May 2, 1887, in Millerton, New York. He graduated from Columbia University and played pivotal roles, including significant contributions during the 1910 World Series. Additionally, he had a notable stint with Connie Mack’s teams in the 1910s. Finally, Philip J. Troy is introduced as the Traveling Secretary. Born on September 17, 1898, in South Boston, Troy managed the team's affairs while abroad. His long association with the Red Sox began before his military service during World War I, and he returned to his role thereafter.