1941 Hall of Fame Tribute to Baseball Pioneers and Legends

The article from the 1942 Sporting News Baseball Record Book highlights notable figures who are recognized as "Old-Timers" in the Baseball Hall of Fame. The upper section features prominent baseball pioneers such as Alexander Cartwright, often referred to as the "father of baseball," and Connie Mack, the legendary manager of the Philadelphia Athletics. Other notable names include Henry Chadwick, a baseball statistician; Ban Johnson, founder of the American League; and Charles Comiskey, owner of the Chicago White Sox. The lower section includes figures like William A. Cummings and Adrian C. Anson, the latter being a key player in the history of the Chicago Cubs. Collectively, these individuals contributed significantly to the development and popularity of baseball in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, marking an important era in the sport's history.