1941 Chicago Cubs Team Photo: Vintage Baseball History from the 1940s

The page from the 1942 Sporting News Baseball Record Book features a team photo of the 1941 Chicago Cubs. It presents a structured lineup of players and coaches in a baseball stadium setting. The first row includes notable figures such as V. Olsen, Passeau, Mooty, Spalding, and Wilson, who served as the manager, along with coaches Cuyler and McCullough. The second row lists Raffensberger, Myers, Root, Lee, Quinn, and Lotshaw, among others, with Sturgeon, Scheffing, Nicholson, B. Olsen, Schmitz, Cavaretta, and Stringer also included. The third row displays players Kush, Meers, LanFrancesco, Hendrickson, Gilbert, Hudson, Eaves, Pressnell, Erickson, Novikoff, and Jelinich.