1949 American League Pennant Race Weekly Standings Chart for Baseball

The page from the 1950 Baseball Guide Radio Edition presents a detailed graphical summary of the 1949 American League pennant race, tracking the standings of eight teams throughout the season. The chart includes teams such as the New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox, Cleveland Indians, Detroit Tigers, Philadelphia Athletics, Chicago White Sox, St. Louis Browns, and Washington Senators. Beginning with the Yankees' initial standing of 2 wins and 2 losses in April, the graph illustrates their rise to dominance, finishing with a record of 97 wins and 57 losses by October. Notably, the Yankees consistently led the standings, while the Red Sox, despite making a strong effort, finished 4.5 games behind. The Indians, Tigers, and Athletics fluctuated throughout the season, while the White Sox, Browns, and Senators occupied the lower ranks.