1939 MLB All-Star Game Box Score and Summary from 1977 Article

The 1939 MLB All-Star Game, held at Yankee Stadium in New York on July 11, featured six players from the New York Yankees in the American League lineup. The game ended with the American League defeating the National League, 3-1, before a crowd of 62,892. The starting battery for the New Yorkers was pitcher Red Ruffing and catcher Bill Dickey. Notable players included Joe DiMaggio, George Selkirk, and Hank Greenberg. The National League scored first in the third inning with singles from Arky Vaughan and Stan Hack. The American League responded with two runs in the fourth, aided by a double from Selkirk and a home run by DiMaggio in the fifth. Bob Feller pitched for the American League, relieving Tommy Bridges.