1977 St. Louis Cardinals Team Profile Featuring Manager Vern Rapp

The 1977 Manager Vern Rapp Team Profile for the St. Louis Cardinals, extracted from the Sporting News Dope Book, provides a comprehensive overview of the franchise's organizational structure and key personnel. At the helm as Chairman of the Board and President is August A. Busch Jr. Beneath him, August A. Busch III serves as Vice-President, while Vaughan P. "Bing" Devine holds the position of Executive Vice-President and General Manager. Other prominent figures include Joe McShane, Senior Vice-President in charge of Business Affairs; Stan Musial, also a Vice-President; and James L. Toomey, who oversees Public Relations. The Director of Player Development is Jim Bayens, with Lee Thomas acting as the Traveling Secretary. Busch Memorial Stadium, the home field for the Cardinals, has a seating capacity of 50,100.