1977 Royals Stadium Seating Diagram and Price Breakdown, Kansas City

The page from the 1977 Sporting News Dope Book provides a detailed illustration and layout of Royals Stadium, located in the Harry S. Truman Sports Complex in Kansas City. The diagram categorizes the stadium's seating arrangements, highlighting the various sections and their corresponding capacities and prices. Specifically, the Club Boxes can accommodate 2,534 fans and are priced at $7.00 each. The Box Seats section holds 12,148 seats, with a ticket price of $5.00. The Reserved Seats area has a total of 21,010 seats priced at $4.00. Additionally, General Admission seats number 5,070 and are available for $1.50. The seating organization is described as controlled by aisle numbers, with a unique numbering system directing odd numbers toward left field and even numbers towards right field. The stadium features notable dimensions, including an outfield fence height of 12 feet and distances to the outfield walls of 330, 385, and 410 feet.