1964 Houston Astros Profile and Official Averages Summary

The 1964 Houston Astros profile from The Sporting News Dope Book provides a detailed overview of the team's administrative structure and player statistics. The board is chaired by R. E. (Bob) Smith, with Judge Roy Hofheinz as president, George Kirksey as executive vice-president, and Paul Richards serving as general manager. Key personnel include C. Luman Harris as the manager and H. B. (Spec) Richardson as business manager. The team's operations are centralized at the Astrodome, which has a seating capacity of 44,499. The document lists player statistics, showcasing batting averages and pitching performance. Several players are noted, including Rusty Staub, Bob Aspromonte, and other members of the team. The pitching roster features Donald Bradey and W. Chris Zachary, among others, with performance measures like innings pitched, hits allowed, and earned run averages.