1964 Kansas City Athletics Vintage Profile and Official Averages

The 1964 Kansas City Athletics profile from The Sporting News Dope Book provides an overview of the team's structure and performance during the season. The team, which played at Municipal Stadium with a capacity of 32,561, was overseen by President Charles O. Finley and Manager Mel McGaha. Key management included Vice Presidents F. P. (Pat) Friday and Ed Lopat, along with Secretary-Treasurer Shirley M. Finley. The scouting operations were led by Joseph Bowman. The profile features a table of player statistics for the 1964 season, detailing hitters and pitchers, including notable players like Alusik George, Dick Green, and John Wyatt. The statistics include games played, at-bats, hits, home runs, and earned run averages, highlighting the team’s overall performance. The Athletics were part of a larger farm system that connected them with teams in Vancouver and Birmingham.