1959 New York Yankees Stadium Team Overview and Field Diagram

The page from the 1959 Sporting News Dope Book details the New York Yankees, a Major League Baseball team known for its rich history and significant presence in the sport. It lists key personnel, including co-owners Daniel R. Topping and Del E. Webb, general manager George M. Weiss, and manager Charles D. "Casey" Stengel. The assistant general manager is noted as Roy Hamey, while J. Arthur Friedlund serves as secretary. Other important figures include Gerald Coleman as the farm department personnel director and Johnny Johnson as the minor league club director. The Yankees' stadium is identified as Yankee Stadium, with a capacity of 67,203. The farm system comprises teams in various locations, including AAA affiliates in Richmond and Binghamton, among others. The page also features a detailed diagram of the stadium’s layout, indicating distances from home plate to the outfield fences.