1956 Philadelphia Phillies Profile and Connie Mack Stadium Overview

The 1956 Philadelphia Phillies page from the Dope Book provides a detailed profile of the team and its home field, Connie Mack Stadium, located in Philadelphia. The team's president is Robert R. M. Carpenter, Jr., with L. Wister Randolph serving as vice president. The general manager is H. Roy Hamey, and the farm director is Eugene J. Martin. The managerial position is held by E. Mayo Smith. The organizational structure includes a player personnel director and a promotion director, with John C. Nee and Frank Powell, respectively. Connie Mack Stadium has a seating capacity of 33,359. The diagram included on the page illustrates the dimensions of the stadium, highlighting the left field wall at 12 feet high and various distances from home plate to the outfield walls. Notable distances include 329 feet to right field and 447 feet to center field.