1956 Philadelphia Phillies Radio-Television Log and Schedule Overview

The 1956 Philadelphia Phillies profile page from the Dope Book provides detailed information about the team's radio and television broadcasting arrangements, uniform colors, ticket pricing, attendance data, and the season schedule. Radio broadcasts are featured on WIP (610), with announcers Gene Kelly, Byrum Saam, and Claude Haring, while television broadcasts include WRCV (Channel 3) and WFIL-TV (Channel 6). The color scheme of the uniforms includes red, white, and gray, with the Phillies prominently displayed. Ticket prices range from $0.75 for bleachers to $2.75 for box seats. The attendance data notes significant historical figures, such as a record gate of 40,720 for a double-header on May 11, 1947. The schedule covers both home and away games throughout the season, listing matchups against teams like the New York Giants and the Cincinnati Reds, with specific dates outlined for April to September.