1956 New York Giants Profile and Polo Grounds Stadium Overview

The page from the 1956 Dope Book profiles the New York Giants, a Major League Baseball team, and provides details about their management and stadium, Polo Grounds. Key personnel includes President Horace C. Stoneham, Vice-President Charles S. Feeney, Treasurer Edgar P. Feeley, Secretary Edward T. Brannick, and Manager William J. Rigney. The farm system is noted, featuring teams from various cities, including Minneapolis, Dallas, and Albuquerque, among others. Polo Grounds, the Giants' home stadium, is depicted in a diagram outlining its dimensions. The layout shows the distances to various sections of the outfield, such as 483 feet to center field and 449 feet to right field. The wall heights are indicated, measuring up to 16 feet and 9¾ inches. The page emphasizes the significance of the stadium and team structure within the context of baseball in the 1950s.