1956 New York Yankees Profile: Casey Stengel and Yankee Stadium Details

The 1956 New York Yankees profile from the Sports News Dope Book provides essential information about the team's management and stadium. The co-owners are Daniel R. Topping and Del E. Webb, with George M. Weiss serving as the General Manager. The management team also includes William O. DeWitt as the Assistant General Manager and J. Arthur Friedlund as Secretary. The team’s treasurer is Robert A. Becker, while Robert O. Fishel manages press promotions and William C. McCorry is the Road Secretary. Lee MacPhail holds the position of Farm Director. Casey Stengel is identified as the manager. Yankee Stadium, the team's home, has a seating capacity of 67,203. The farm system is outlined with various affiliations, including AAA teams in Denver and Richmond, and AA teams in Binghamton and Winston-Salem, as well as different single-A affiliates.