1956 Chicago White Sox Team Photo Featuring Players and Coaches

The page from the 1957 Sporting News Baseball Guide features the 1956 Chicago White Sox team photo, highlighting key players and coaching staff from that season. The front row includes catchers Lollar and Wilber, along with coaches Gutteridge and Marion, and manager Berres. The middle row lists E. Colledge (equipment manager), Phillips, Pierce, La Palme, McDonald, Donovan, Moss, Kinder, Philley, Wilson, and trainer Froelich, alongside A. Colledge, the visiting clubhouse manager. In the back row are notable players such as Dropo, Howell, Keegan, Delsing, Staley, Harshman, Minoso, Doby, Fox, Northey, and Aparicio. The photograph encapsulates the team’s composition during a significant era in Major League Baseball, showcasing players who would contribute to the team's competitive spirit.