1954 MLB Players Union Meeting with Notable Players in New York
The page from the 1955 Sporting News Baseball Guide features a gathering of player representatives from various Major League Baseball clubs, convened in New York on December 18. The attendees listed in the image capture key figures in baseball at the time. Seated on the left are notable players such as Gil Hodges of the Dodgers, Robin Roberts of the Phillies, Howie Pollet of the Cubs, Sid Hudson of the Red Sox, and Ralph Kiner of the Indians. Also present is J. Norman Lewis, serving as the players’ attorney. On the second row, Warren Spahn from the Braves, Whitey Lockman from the Giants, Bob Friend of the Pirates, Sherm Lollar from the White Sox, Elmer Valo of the Athletics, Eddie Yost from the Senators, and Ted Kluszewski of the Reds are featured. The Cardinals’ Stan Musial is also mentioned, while Harvey Kuenn from the Tigers and Bob Feller are noted as absent at the time the photo was taken.