1949 Chicago Cubs Team Photo at Wrigley Field in Vintage Magazine Article

The 1949 Chicago Cubs team photo, featured in the 1950 Sporting News Baseball Guide, showcases a group of players and staff associated with the team during that season. The players are identified in rows with notable names including Terwilliger, Reich, Scheffing, Jackson, Verban, and Baumholtz in the front row. The second row identifies Mauch, Cavarretta, Shea, Johnson (coaches), Frisch (manager), and Lewis (traveling secretary). Trainers present include Lotshaw, while the third row includes Ramazzotti, Lade, Serena, Burgess, Smalley, Jeffcoat, Rush, and Dubiel. The back row names Pafko, Sauer, Muncrief, Leonard, Adkins, Chipman, Schmitz, and Hacker. This photo highlights the configuration of the team, illustrating the players' uniforms and the atmosphere of Wrigley Field, the Cubs' home venue.