1948 Cincinnati Reds Team Photo Featuring Ted Kluszewski

This page from the 1949 Sporting News Baseball Ball Guide features the 1948 Cincinnati Reds team. The photograph includes three rows of personnel associated with the team. The front row comprises players Adams, Litwhiler, Baumholtz, Peterson, and Hatton, along with coach Kelly, manager Walters, and coach Page. Also seated are Zientara and Corbitt. The middle row highlights Dr. Bohm, the trainer, alongside players such as Stallcup, Williams, Sauer, and Kluszewski. Presence of notable athletes like Wyrostek and Galan is observed, as well as Wehmeier, Gumbert, and Mueller. The back row rounds out the team with Raffensberger, Cress, Lamanno, and Blackwell, featuring other key contributors like Burkhart, Poland, Fox, and Vander Meer.