1948 Boston Red Sox Team Photo with Ted Williams and Johnny Pesky

The page from the 1949 Sporting News Baseball Ball Guide features a team photo of the 1948 Boston Red Sox. The lineup highlights key team members, including a detailed list by row. In the front row are Spence, Batts, Schreiber, coaches Combs and Woodall, manager McCarthy, coach Baker, Parnell, DiMaggio, Doerr, Stephens, and Dowd who served as the traveling secretary. The middle row includes clubhouse attendant J. Orlando, along with team members Hitchcock, Kramer, Kinder, Pesky, Wright, McCall, Martin, Tebbetts, Goodman, Mele, Moses, and Froelich the trainer. The back row features Harris, Jones, Ferriss, Hughson, Caldwell, Johnson, Dobson, Galehouse, Stobbs, and Williams. The Red Sox were a formidable team in 1948, competing in the American League.