1945 Philadelphia Phillies Team Photo from the 1940s 5x7" Print

The page from the 1946 Sporting News Baseball Ball Guide features a photograph of the 1945 Philadelphia Phillies baseball team. The team is depicted in uniform, with players arranged in three rows. The front row includes players Monteagudo, Walczak, Sproull, and Shea, along with coaches Chapman and Klein, and team members Barrett and Triplett. The middle row highlights Mulcahy, Wasdell, Powell, Karl, Leon, Schanz, Picciuto, Foxx, Antonelli, and Miller, along with the trainer. In the back row, Lupien, Mott, Kraus, Mauney, Andrews, Seminick, Mancuso, and Spindel complete the ensemble. The Phillips of this era played in the National League and were based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.