1945 Cincinnati Reds Baseball Team Group Photo and Roster

The page from the 1946 Sporting News Baseball Guide features the Cincinnati Reds baseball team, specifically highlighting the roster for the year 1945. This photo print captures players in their home uniforms, showcasing the team's composition during a post-World War II era of baseball. The team includes notable figures such as manager McKechnie, with players listed in rows. The front row features trainer Rohde, and players such as Walker, Lukon, Dasso, Harrist, Miller, Mesner, Clay, and Wilson, who is identified as a coach. The middle and back rows include Modak, Carter, Sipek, E. Riddle, Wahl, Williams, and others, such as Walters, Hetki, Heusser, Kennedy, Lakeman, Libke, Bowman, and Wehmeier. The team also has Sauer, Unser, Tipton, and McCorry, the traveling secretary.