1945 Boston Braves Team Photo: A Glimpse into 1940s Baseball History

The page features a photo print of the 1945 Boston Braves baseball team, reflecting a significant period in Major League Baseball history shortly after World War II. The team members are presented in a formal team photo format. The lineup includes the front row featuring Young (assistant trainer), Medwick, Culler, Nelson, Jones (coach), Bissonnette (manager), Bengough (coach), and Hutchings, Masi. The middle row lists players Whitcher, Wietelmann, Javert, Aderholt, Hendrickson, Nieman, Gillenwater, Donovan, Holmes, and Dr. May (trainer). In the back row, players are Ramsey, Tracey, Logan, Hoffert, Lee, Wright, Workman, Singleton, and Shupe.