1945 New York Yankees Team Photo from the 1940s Baseball Era

The page features a photograph of the 1945 New York Yankees baseball team, taken from the 1946 Sporting News Baseball Guide. The team is presented in a group format, with players and staff arranged in a structured manner. In the front row, notable players include Martin, Crosetti, Metheny, and Robinson, alongside coaches Schulte and Stirnweiss, and others. The middle row showcases trainer Froelich and star players such as Ruffing and Holcombe. The back row includes players like Savage and Grimes, with Etten, Schreiber, Roser, Bevens, Drescher, and Derry, who are also part of the team. The page emphasizes the managerial structure, with McCarthy listed as the team manager, indicating a hierarchical organization. The inclusion of roles such as the secretary and batboy highlights the broader context of the team's operation.