1943 New York Yankees Team Photo from 1940s Baseball Magazine

The 1943 New York Yankees team photo, featured in the Sporting News Baseball Ball Guide, presents a momentous snapshot of the renowned baseball franchise during a challenging era. The team, managed by Joe McCarthy, is organized in three rows, displaying their iconic white uniforms with the 'NY' insignia. The top row lists prominent players including Bonham, Turner, Breuer, Zuber, Murphy, and Schreiber, with Schreiber designated as the batting practice pitcher. The middle row features notable athletes such as Keller, Chandler, Stainback, Grimes, and Russo, alongside supporting personnel like Etten, Byrne, Donald, Dickey, and Froelich, the team trainer. The bottom row includes Weatherly, Metheny, Crosetti, Johnson, and Fletcher, as well as coaches Combs and Schulte, with Wensloff and Hemsley also present.