1948 Chicago Cardinals Star Charley Trippi in Action Against All-Stars

The page from the 1948 Sportfolio highlights a notable football game in which the Chicago Cardinals decisively defeated the College All-Stars with a score of 28-0. In the highlighted play, running back Charley Trippi, wearing jersey number 62, gained eight yards before being tackled by Jay Rhodemyre, who is shown on the right. This game took place in August, demonstrating the Cardinals' dominance against a team composed of top college players. The Cardinals, an NFL team, had experienced notable difficulties in previous years, with their last league title win recorded in 1925. This context emphasizes their historic struggles, as the team was competing in an era marked by strong opposition. The absence of an All-Star game in 1925 signifies the challenges the league faced, further accentuating the Cardinals' long-standing journey in professional football.