Mullin's Unique Illustration of Sports Celebrities for Christmas Panel

The page from the July 1948 issue of Sportfolio features artwork by Willard Mullin, known for his annual Christmas panel depicting sports celebrities. The piece highlights a mosaic of names of prominent sports figures, including Joe DiMaggio, Babe Ruth, Bucky Harris, and Hank Greenberg, showcasing the breadth of Mullin's artistic tribute to the sports community. The narrative recounts Mullin's experience following a knee operation, where he reflects on his desk positioning at the World-Telegram newsroom and the layout of reporters' workspaces. Describing the distance of his desk from others, Mullin humorously notes the physical challenge of hopping from desk to desk, culminating in an ambitious leap to his own desk. This anecdote reveals both his physical prowess and comedic approach to his circumstances.