1922 Spalding Baseball Gear Ad: Caps, Shoes, and Cleats
This page from the 1923 Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide showcases the range of baseball equipment offered by A.G. Spalding & Bros., focusing on shoes, pitchers' toe plates, and catchers' body protectors. The "World Series" No. FW shoes are highlighted, crafted from selected kangaroo leather with fine oak leather soles, priced at $18.50. These shoes are noted for their lightweight quality, suitable primarily for elite players, though an alternative, the No. OS, is suggested for regular use. Several models cater to specific roles, such as the No. 31CP for catchers and the No. 31UP called "Special Umpires." Pitchers’ toe plates, patented in 1917, are offered in aluminum (No. A) and brass (No. B). Catchers’ body protectors include the No. 5P and No. 4P, both padded styles patented in 1909. Various canvas options are also available, catering to different needs and age groups.