1922 Spalding Baseball Uniforms Ad: Tailor-Made Apparel Options
This page from the 1923 Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide highlights the features of Spalding’s tailor-made baseball uniforms. Manufactured in Spalding’s own sanitary factories, these uniforms are praised for their high-quality materials and favorable workroom conditions for employees. The guide details three specific quality levels: “World Series,” “Big League,” and “Collegiate League.” The No. 0 “World Series” uniform set includes a cap, shirt, pants, belt, and stockings, with a club price of $25 and a single suit for $30. Available in various colors like White, Pearl Gray, and combinations of Navy, Red, and Yellow stripes, the shirts can feature either a B or C style collar, with options for both V-neck or Military style. The No. 1 “Big League” set costs $20 for clubs and $27 for individuals, while the No. 2 “Collegiate League” set is priced at $18 for clubs and $24 for single buyers. Colors for these uniforms include Pearl Gray, Brown Gray, and variations with stripe accents. The page also notes that caps are available in any style, with additional lettering options for personal customization.