1922 World Series: Crowds and Scenes at Polo Grounds

This page from the 1923 Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide captures scenes from the 1922 World Series, emphasizing the fervor and challenges faced by fans and media alike. The text notes that rain affected two games, leading spectators to endure the elements with umbrellas in the bleachers, highlighting the devotion of the fanbase who took a "long chance" with the weather. Enthusiastic fans are documented as forming early morning queues to secure a spot in line for tickets, showing the immense popularity and excitement surrounding the series. The 1922 World Series also marked a significant technological milestone: the introduction of radio broadcasts, which brought the game to a wider audience and changed the way fans experienced baseball. Additionally, photographers captured memorable moments involving baseball comedians Al Schacht and Nick Altrock, who provided entertainment and levity amidst the tension of the games.