1940 Baseball Hall of Fame Members and Their Contributions to the Game

The 1940 page from the Spalding Reach Official Baseball Guide highlights notable figures in baseball history, often referred to as "Base Ball Builders and Oldtime Players in the Hall of Fame." It features Alexander Cartwright, known as the "Father of Organized Base Ball," who pioneered the game in Hawaii. Hon. Morgan G. Bulkeley, the first president of the National League, is also recognized. Henry Chadwick, acknowledged as the "Father of Base Ball," contributed to the sport’s foundational rules. Byron Bancroft Johnson played a significant role in organizing the American League. A.G. Spalding, another influential figure and pitcher, founded his Chicago club, while George Wright, an early star, played for the Cincinnati Red Stockings. Connie Mack, noted for his long managerial career, began with the Philadelphia Athletics. The page concludes with Charles A. Comiskey, a manager and player for the St. Louis Browns, and John J.