Philadelphia Athletics Team Roster Featuring Players and Manager Connie Mack

The Philadelphia Athletics team page from the 1940 Spalding-Reach Official Baseball Guide features a collage of player photographs and highlights key figures associated with the team during that period. Notable players include Bob Johnson, Alfred Dean, Wilson Miles, George Caster, and Wally Moses, who are prominently featured alongside their positions. The page also showcases other team members such as Frank Hayes, Lee Roush, Bill Nagel, and Sam Chapman, while manager Connie Mack is depicted at the top. The bottom section includes names like Lynn Nelson, Haynie Ambler, and Harold Wagner, indicating a diverse roster. Coaches Russell Blackburne and Earl Mack Jr. are also mentioned. This era of the Athletics was characterized by its competitive nature in Major League Baseball, as the team sought to establish its identity in the American League.