Boston Red Sox Team Roster Featuring Notable Players and Coaches

The page from the 1940 Spalding-Reach Official Baseball Guide features the Boston Red Sox roster, highlighting key players and coaching staff. Manager Joseph Cronin is positioned prominently, leading a team that includes notable names such as Ted Williams, a future Hall of Famer, and Bobby Doerr. The lineup also showcases pitchers like Robert Grove and Woodrow Rich. Other players mentioned are John Peaock, Jack Kramer, and the versatile Morris Berg, who played multiple positions. The page includes coaches Hugh Duffy and Tom Daly, reflecting the team's overall structure and support system. The 1940 season was significant for the Red Sox, as they sought to build on their competitive presence in Major League Baseball. The visuals provide a snapshot of the team dynamics and individual contributions, offering insights into the personalities and skills that characterized the roster during this era.