1927 World Series Highlights: Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, and Legends of Baseball

This page from the 1928 Reach Official American League Base Ball Guide captures key moments and figures from the 1927 World Series, showcasing the New York Yankees—particularly stars Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. Ruth and Gehrig are highlighted as the Yankees' chief offensive players, significant contributors to the team's success. The page also includes Judge Landis, the Commissioner of Baseball, observed checking the weather, indicating concerns about rain affecting the series. Barney Dreyfuss, the owner of the Pittsburgh Pirates, is seen in conversation with Jacob Ruppert, President of the Yankees, showcasing the collaborative yet competitive nature of the series. Umpires Quigley, Ormsby, Nallin, and Moran are mentioned, emphasizing their role in officiating this crucial championship. Additionally, the page features the Waner brothers, Lloyd and Paul, renowned players for the Pirates at the time.