1927 Brooklyn Dodgers Featuring Babe Herman and Irish Meusel

The page from the 1928 Reach Official American League Base Ball Guide features prominent players from the 1927 Brooklyn Dodgers, a National League team. Notable figures include Babe Herman, recognized for his offensive prowess, and Irish Meusel, known for his hitting abilities. The layout presents a collage of player portraits that includes E. Meusel, who contributed to the team’s lineup, along with Cantrell, Statz, and Flowers. Other highlighted players include Tremper, Partridge, Barnes, Plitt, and Elliott, each representing various positions and skills that contributed to the overall performance of the Dodgers. In the 1920s, the Dodgers were building their identity in a competitive National League, and this period marked significant developments within the team. The images encapsulate a moment in baseball history, showcasing the talent that aimed to push the franchise towards greater recognition.