1927 Detroit Tigers Team: Heilmann, Gehringer, and Notable Players

The page from the 1928 Reach Official American League Base Ball Guide highlights key players from the Detroit Tigers, a prominent team in Major League Baseball during the 1920s. Featured players include Harry Heilmann, known for his exceptional hitting ability, and Charlie Gehringer, an influential figure in the team's infield. The page presents images of various Tigers players, such as Collins, Bassler, Blue, Stoner, Neun, Manush, Carroll, Wingo, and DeViveiros. The Detroit Tigers were part of the American League and played their home games in Detroit, Michigan. This period marked a competitive era for the team, which made significant contributions to baseball history. Players like Heilmann and Gehringer not only excelled individually but were instrumental in shaping the team's success during a time when baseball was gaining popularity in the United States.