1968 Philadelphia Phillies Team Schedule and Roster at Connie Mack Stadium

The 1968 Philadelphia Phillies page from the Baseball Facts Book details the team's roster, home and road game schedules, and game information for the season. The roster includes a mix of pitchers, catchers, infielders, and outfielders, featuring names such as Larry Colton, Dick Farrell, Woody Fryman, Clay Dalrymple, John Callison, and Tony Gonzalez. The team was managed by Gene Mauch, with coaches Andy Seminick, Al Widmar, and George Myatt. The schedule outlines home games at Connie Mack Stadium, including matchups against teams such as the Dodgers, Astros, and Giants in April, May, and June. The season spans from early April through late September. Game start times varied, and ticket prices were listed, with details on parking and public transportation to the stadium.