1967 Houston Astros Team Roster and Game Information from Astrodome

The 1967 Houston Astros roster page from the Baseball Facts Book provides a detailed overview of the team for that season, highlighting player statistics, home and road game schedules, and general game information. The graphics include the team's home games against various opponents such as the Atlanta Braves, Cincinnati Reds, St. Louis Cardinals, Chicago Cubs, and others, with specific dates outlined in April through September. The basic roster lists key players, including pitchers Mike Cuellar, Larry Dierker, and Dick Farrell, as well as catchers John Bateman and Bill Heath. Notable infielders and outfielders, such as Bob Aspromonte and Ron Davis, are also featured. The page includes managerial details, with Grady Hatton as the manager alongside coaches Nellie Fox, Jim Busby, and Al Heist.