1957 Boston Red Sox Team Schedule and Fenway Park Information

The 1957 Boston Red Sox team schedule page from the Baseball Facts Book provides an overview of the team's management and game logistics for that season. The Red Sox were managed by Mike Higgins, who played a crucial role in the team's performance. Fenway Park, located in Boston, Massachusetts, served as the home stadium, with a seating capacity of 34,819. The schedule outlines the times for different types of games: all-day games began at 2:00 PM, doubleheaders started at 1:30 PM, and night games commenced at 8:00 PM. The coaching staff included Del Baker, Jack Burns, Dave Ferriss, and Paul Schreiber. For broadcasting, the radio coverage was provided by WHDH, with television broadcasts on WBZ-WNAC, featuring commentators Curt Gowdy and Bob Murphy.