1957 Milwaukee Braves County Stadium Team Schedule and Information

The page from the 1957 Milwaukee Braves County Atlanta Team Schedule provides a brief overview of the team, including key personnel and stadium information. The Milwaukee Braves were managed by Fred Haney, under the presidency of Joseph F. Cairnes. The team played at County Stadium in Milwaukee, which had a seating capacity of 43,768. The schedule indicates that games were typically held at 1:30 PM during the day and at 8:00 PM for night games. The page notes the attendance figures for the previous year, stating that in 1956, the Braves drew 2,046,331 spectators. The coaching staff included Connie Ryan, Bob Keely, Charlie Root, and John Riddle. Local radio broadcasts were provided by WEMP and WTMJ, featuring announcers Earl Gillespie and Blaine Walsh, though it is noted that games were not televised.